Thursday, January 8, 2009

X, WHY and Z's

Lifehacker spilled the beans on Jerry Seinfeld's productivity secret a few years back: Buy a wall calendar with big boxes and for whatever specific task you want to accomplish, put a HUGE X on the box each day you do it, and then, day after day, those big Xs will create a chain that you will feel obligated not to break, and you will be able to stay inspired.

Around that same time, we actually ran a story in the first issue of WHY magazine called Good Morning, Sunshine! that offered tricks to get you up and atom each day -- sometimes a hard thing for work-at-homers who don't have a bus to catch or a boss looming overhead to do.

I'm not sure how I feel, generally, about tricks and gadgets that promise motivation, but if Xs on your calendar or stickies on your alarm clock can help you stay on task, I'm all for it.

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