Wednesday, March 4, 2009

WHY Xtra: 5 Offbeat Holiday Tie-ins

  1. Multiple Personality Day, March 5. Offer a hot deal on a product or service and then immediately offer an even better deal as a celebration of two "mindsets."
  2. Employee Appreciation Day, March 9. Offer goods and services at discounted, "employee" prices.
  3. Middle Name Pride Day, March 10. Offer 5 percent off for those customers who list their middle name on the order form or contract, or have special discounts for customers who share your middle name.
  4. Pi Day, March 14. Got tipped off to this tie-in opp by, which sent out an email with the subject: "There's 3.14 reasons to celebrate!" Yours can say something just as cute, like, "Our product specials promise never-ending fun." Be creative!
  5. April Fools' Day, April 1. Lots of companies toy with bogus promotions on this day to generate excitement. Check out our quiz in this issue's WHY magazine for some of the most memorable.
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