Monday, March 2, 2009

New Issue of WHY is Live at!

Our mar/apr 09 issue of WHY magazine features articles written exclusively for folks who work from home, including:
  • 10 ways telecommuters can stay on their boss' radar;
  • 7 tips to solicit business w/o looking desperate;
  • 18 home business deductions to consider;
  • 5 tips on using Twitter to boost your profile;
  • 10 easy ways to green your home office;
  • 10 things you should know about those elusive customers;
  • 5 no-no's of online journalism, and much more!
We hope you enjoy the issue and would love to hear your feedback. We've got lots of exciting things happening at WHY. Join our mailing list and stay in the know.

Now, I think I speak for Lucille as well as myself when I say, "We're pooped!" Time to leave my computer after what feels like -- and probably was -- nearly 48 straight hours of work and play in the snow. Enjoy!

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