Sunday, February 1, 2009

Going Face-to-Face

I recently had a lunch with my business partner, Lucille.

You might not think that's a big deal, but for two people who have been working together on WHY for two years -- and another year or so before that -- we RARELY see one another. Although we talk constantly on the phone and chat via email and, now, Facebook, it always seems near to impossible to get our schedules to intersect for a live, in-person one-on-one.

Finally, we made it happen, as part of our new year's resolutions for 2009. And it was great. There's nothing quite like looking across a table over a BLT and seeing the reaction in someone's eyes when you suggest an idea.

Scott Monty, the social media guy for Ford, said the same thing in the social media story in our current issue of WHY: “It’s not just about online presence. Get out there and meet people face to face. That's where some of the best brainstorming and true relationship building occurs.” We agree, so we've resolved to have in-person meetings regularly -- hopefully every month -- to make sure that we're on the same page as we go forward with our little magazine.

Plus, I like seeing her and hearing her laugh. LOLs just don't cut it.

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